Mythical Musings
Mythical Musings
Simbi: Master Magician

Simbi: Master Magician

The last witch in season 3, Simbi is the powerful spirit of magick, Vodou, and power!

In season 3, episode 6 of Mythical Musings, The Podcast, we honor the African Congolese spirit Simbi. Simbi, all-powerful is a Lwa working under the Good God Bondye. We explore a Simbi spirit’s roots, culture, and magick as he turns the solitary practitioner into the master of their craft!

Episode Highlights:

  • Simbi from the Congo and Haitian Culture; his Vodou roots and historical customs

  • Petro and Rada Rites and how they differ from each other in magick; how to avoid getting burned by Don Petro the Vodou master

  • Christianity’s influence over Voodoo and how today’s voodoo differs from that of ancient times

  • Invoking Simbi when you need a magickal guide, healing, or better technology

  • Basmibi and their place in Pagan society and beyond

A Simbi is a unique spirit that can come to you in the form of a snake, fish, or other water creature. With a willingness to learn about true magick, Simbi can turn even the clumsiest of witches into a master of their craft. The only question is are you willing to follow the path of magick?

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Mythical Musings
Mythical Musings
A conversation about unusual spirits who come to life when you least expect it!
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Michelle Sarasin